Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Home soon!

Unfortunately, access to the web for me was not what I had hoped...but I´m holding out hope that we can still use this as a place to post pictures and write about our experience.  Everything has been going great.  Vilanova was a wonderful city to spend time in and get to know the amazing people there.  We are very fortunate! 
We are now in Madrid doing a bit of sightseeing and exploring.  It has been a great experience as well.  Yesterday we saw Toledo...its winding, norrow streets and its beautiful cathedral.  We also saw the place where they make the famous Toledo swords and were able to watch how they make them.  In the afternoon we had a tour of the Prado Art Museum.  Our tour guide, Iris, is amazing and has taught us so much!  In the evening we had a wonderful Paella dinner.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Here we go!
In less than a week, two JCA teachers (Katie Drabik and myself, Lauren Finaldi) begin a journey to Vilanavoa, Spain with fourteen JCA International Ambassadors. This blog is where we will attempt to keep in touch with our families, friends and school regarding our trip.
We are staying with host families who are all students and/or teachers, administration at Escola Pia de Vilanova, which is a private Catholic school in the outskirts of Barcelona. Most of the students we are staying with came to visit us in Joliet last fall. Today, I finish my packing (okay, I'll be honest...I'm starting my packing!) and I can't begin to tell you how excited I am. 
I cannot believe that in a week we will finally be in Spain! Ever since I travelled on similar excursions with my high school when I was a sophomore and senior at Lyons Township High School (shout-out to the best teacher ever...Ms. Joan Stopka who took us both times!)it has been my dream to return the favor to a batch of eager students of my own. Only they will know exactly how life-changing and magnificent this opportunity truly can be! I would love to avoid packing even further, but alas I must stop the procrastination.
I plan to continue blogging throughout the trip and even better, expect my travel partners to blog here as well.
So please stay tuned... and comment as you see fit (my students will receive extra credit for intelligent comments!).

Here are some of the friends we will be visiting...
Thanks for joining us on our journey!